Hype - A blessing or a curse?
Hype is something that has always existed in some form. When Apple introduced the first iPhone. When Ali faced Frazier for the heavy weight belt in '75. And I'm certain that the hype was real when Chris Columbus searched and found land in 1492. My point is that hype has always been there. However, in the past years, it has become much easier to access and spread.
The movie industry thrives on it. The studios has to make people excited to get them to pay for the movie ticket. All it takes is a kick ass trailer that spreads like an alien symbiote across the internet, and the snow ball effect will take care of the rest.
However, is hype always positive?
Let me be clear. I'm a movie junkie, and I love to get excited for movies. I love to discuss trailers, search for Easter eggs, listen to interviews with the cast, and I probably watch every single TV spot for every superhero movie out there. My favorite kind of discussion is when me and a fellow nerd get down and dirty about whether Thanos should snap his fingers in Infinity War, or if they should save that for Avengers 4. Discussion is fun, and when you can share the excitement with your fellow movie lover, the wait before the movie premiere won't feel as long.
But to answer the question, no. Hype can also be a cruel mistake.
Nothing can ruin a movie experience more than knowing what's going to happen. I've seen more trailers in my life that diminishes the film, than trailers that actually augments it. When Spiderman Homecoming built up to its third act, I knew he would fight The Vulture on a plane. That scene was in every trailer. When i watched Batman v Superman, I knew they would make up, Wonder Woman would join in on the fun, and Doomsday was the big third act baddie. My god was that trailer a downer for those of us that enjoys mysteries.
With great hype comes great expectations. A recent example where the hype seems to have butchered the movie for its fans is The Last Jedi. Ever since December 2015 when The Force Awakens took over the world, the fans have speculated and discussed the Star Wars franchise as if their life depended on it. And once the next movie in the saga was released, and Rian Johnson decided to go against expectations, the fans were extremely divided. Maybe the movie would have improved if it was released one week after The Force Awakens, to make sure the hype and expectations does not get out of hand. I know, of course, that this is impossible, but hey let me dream a little.
When it comes down to it, the movie companies are not going to stop producing trailers and TV spots. The forums will not stop discussing whether someone is a Kenobi or a Skywalker. The YouTube reviewers will not stop making their predictions six months before the movies premiere. The hype and buildup to a movie is a part of the industry now.
I love discussing movies and create hype before the next big blockbuster. But I also love being surprised in the cinema. I have yet to find the perfect path that keeps us nerds excited, but also conserves mystery for the actual premiere. And I don't know if I'll ever find it. But until then, let me watch that Infinity War trailer for the 25th time.