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En film som aldrig kommer att skapas

Publicerad 2018-07-06 07:19:36 i Allmänt,

Tjena! Jag skrev en så kallad "Hook pitch". En pitch som, vad jag förstår, manusförfattare kan dra för studios för att få de intresserade att göra ens film. Jag skrev ihop det här med förståelsen att det förmodligen aldrig kommer göras en sån här film, men jag kände mig lite kreativ. Så kreativ att jag skrev den på engelska because why not. Have fun!

The Alarm clock rings louder than a lustful stallion and Fred wakes up sweaty and with a heart rate way above normal. He's had one of those bad dreams again. He's had them for a while now, dreams where he cannot move and nobody responds when he tries to talk to them. A very non-pleasant way to spend the night.

As always, the first thing he does is go out and get the morning paper. Per usual the rain is pouring down. Apparently there´s some kind of gang that operates downtown and beats down old people. "What has this city come too?", he thinks to himself.

He spills his first sip of the morning coffee all over the paper. Lately he's become more clumsy and stuff around him seems to be falling and breaking even though he could swear he's not touching it. maybe he's just getting old and senile, he's thinking to himself. Fred has always been a bit grumpy and sees the world in a negative way, or in a realistic way, as he himself would describe it.

In school Fred's a bit of a lone wolf and he almost never sees his family. His mom is working as a teacher i snobby boarding school somewhere far away and his dad is always traveling somewhere around the world with work related stuff. Fred is a bit unsure what exactly it is he does. He believes it has something to do with flowers as he always has the most exotic plants with him whenever he comes home. "At least I get to see them at Christmas and at my birthday" Fred thinks to himself to stay positive.

As he strolls towards school, 5 minutes late per usual, he walks by a pack of people. They all seem afraid and some of them are screaming. In a rush of curiosity and fear, he runs towards the crowd and sees a body on the street. "It's them again!" someone shouts. "That's it, I'm moving to Southampton tomorrow!" another one yelps.

It seems the victims aren't dead, but they are in a unconscious state and seem unable to wake up. It's just like the victims downtown.

With a chill down his spine, Fred rushes to school and the news of more victims had just reached the school. Panic ensues. The teachers tries to calm everyone down, but you can see a shred of fear in their eyes. Suddenly Fred's phone rings. It's dad. "Strange, he never calls me" Fred thought to himself before he picked up the call.


"Dad?? I can't hear you, you're breaking up"


"..Hello? Dad?" The call died.

He didn't know what his father meant, but he was afraid. Was that his mother who was with him? And what where those sounds in the background? Sounded like someone breathing heavily.

Suddenly even more hysteria. The school is surrounded by someone. The teachers gets the students to hide behind the desks, but most people is still running around screaming in terror. What is going on?

All of a sudden, a silence shrouds the school. Some boy next to Fred leans over and whispers

 "You think the stories are true?"

"What stories?"

"About him, that he's not dead?"

"Who are you talking about? And who are you anyway?"

"I'm Peter. You?"

"Fred. Fred Longbottom."

Suddenly the room goes dark. A great silence fills the school. The dementors has taken over.







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